Bulutistan DLP Monitoring Avantajlarına Yakından Bakın
"Move your business to the cloud with Bulutistan, the choice of the best!"
Bulutistan DLP Monitoring solution identifies, categorizes and tags sensitive data so that it can monitor the context around the data, such as events and activities. It also reports in compliance with legal requirements and makes it easy to manage compliance audits should they arise.
Data Visibility
Bulutistan DLP Monitoring solution, if your business needs more visibility into data movement; It allows you to see and monitor your data across networks, endpoints and the cloud. Thus, it offers greater visibility into how individual users and data interact within your business.
Intellectual Property Protection
The Bulutistan DLP Monitoring solution allows you to contextualize critical intellectual property such as trade secrets in both structured and unstructured forms. With the right controls and applicable policies, this protects your data from unwanted leaks.
Monitoring Sensitive Data
Bulutistan DLP Monitoring solution; user access, device access, application access, threat types, geographic locations, access times, data context, etc. Provides the ability to monitor your sensitive data. It sends alerts to security professionals when data is used, moved or modified in an unauthorized way.